
Argentina: revolution in .AR

A small revolution in the Argentinian Internet: it is now possible to directly register a domain name in .AR as soon as the extension opens for business, scheduled for February 23, 2020. However, previous rights holders can enjoy a priority registration period until November 9, 2019.

It will soon no longer be necessary to register a domain name in .COM.AR or.NET.AR to exist in Argentina. „AR domain names will strengthen all the possibilities offered by the network,“ explains the Argentinian registry, NIC Argentina, which has previously worked on implementing good practices to discourage or minimize potential abuses due to inappropriate (cybersquatting, typosquatting, etc.) or speculative registrations.
The opening schedule of the .AR addresses will take place in three stages:

  • 1. From September 11 to November 09, 2019, a priority registration period („sunrise„) is reserved for domain name holders in,,,,, and, provided that their domains were registered before December 1, 2015 and are active on August 27, 2019.

    At the end of this period:

    • If only one request is received for a name, the applicant may register the corresponding domain name,
    • In the event of multiple requests, the domain name will be assigned to the future holder following a random draw conducted by the Lottery of the City of Buenos Aires.
  • 2. From November 25, 2019 to January 23, 2020, a landrush period, known as a „period of interest,“ is intended to allow legal or natural persons to apply for the registration of names in the RD before the opening to the general public. As in the previous phase, multiple applications for the same name will be decided by drawing lots.

    Note: The registry specifies that „reserved“ (all names in and and „restricted“ (by decision of the registry) domain names are excluded and that some names may be subject to its approval (see the list here).

  • 3. From February 23, 2020, the general opening will allow any user to register a domain name directly in .AR under the conditions provided by the Argentinian Registry.

Expert advice

The registration of domain names directly in. AR offers new opportunities for companies wishing to develop their activities in Argentina. It also reduces the number of characters to type in the URL bar to access the desired website, which is a significant factor when viewing a website from a mobile phone. It should be remembered that mobile Internet is used by 84% of Internet users. If you wish to register a name in the .AR, we recommend that you contact your EBRAND advisor as soon as possible.

Registration conditions for domains in Argentina:

  • .AR domain names can be from 4 to 50 characters long,
  • All applicants must present an identification code: CUIL (Código Único de Identificación Laboral*) or CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria**) for Argentinian holders, or a national identity document for foreign holders (Documento Nacional de Identidad or DNI).

*The Argentinian CUIL is a social security number.
** The Argentinian CUIT is a tax identification code.

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