Aktuelle Themen

Here we have an image of a padlock resting on a keyboard to illustrate the topic of domain monitoring and the wider practice of digital risk protection.
Domain Monitoring: Lösungen der nächsten Generation

Eine starke Online-Präsenz ist in unserer vernetzten Welt nicht mehr optional, sondern unerlässlich. Unternehmen profitieren von den digitalen Möglichkeiten, aber diese Kanäle bergen auch immer weitere ungeahnte Risiken. Durch den

Here we have a close-up of a doll's dress in black and white, launching our discussion of fake Barbie dolls.
What a movie teaches us about fake toys for kids

“She’s not dead, she’s just having an existential crisis”. This immortal line from the new Barbie movie highlights a vital thread in the film: identity, reality, and authenticity. The same

In this image, we use a black and white image of a camera to depict the actions that banks, fund companies, and the investment industry can take to boost and protect themselves while taking action against digital threats.
How the investing industry tackles digital risks

In the investing industry, funds aren’t the only thing that financiers must manage. Increasingly, financial services face complex cyberattacks that hackers develop to compromise businesses and extort funds. Our last post

Dark web threats and how to detect them

Picture this: a hooded hacker logs onto the dark web and searches for their next lucrative scam. Their sources might reveal databases of your customer data, phish kits to trick

10 recommendations to beat online scams

Online scams spread through modern businesses like wildfire, and in 2022, the temperature only increased. In just 12 months, cybercriminals stole around $55 billion from their targets. Businesses must take

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