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This image of a black and white mask highlight's the topic at hand, deepfakes.
Deepfakes: The Dark Side of Digital Reality

In a world where the boundaries between reality and digital manipulation blur, Deepfakes pose a growing threat. In this blog article, we take a look at the world of Deepfakes,

This image of phish illustrates this article's topic: understanding phishing/fishing domain impersonation tactics.
Top ten impersonation techniques used in phishing domains

Cybercriminals constantly create new tactics to trick their targets, exploiting typographical variations and emerging technologies to build convincing domain impersonations. Familiarising yourself with some common strategies helps you prepare your

This image of a bauble in the snow with a stencil of a globe on it highlights this article's main topic: global issues at Christmas, specifically the international impact of counterfeits.
Unwrapping the impact of counterfeit gifts

In the glittering landscape of holiday shopping and online commerce, the fight against counterfeit goods has transformed into a mission that extends far beyond brand protection and protecting online revenues.

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