Corporate Domain Management
Securing your critical digital assets

Business growth creates messy domain infrastructure. Messy assets lead to inefficiency, weaknesses, and risks. EBRAND turns these risks into opportunities

By fortifying domain assets, brand owners take control of their digital portfolio

An effective domain strategy requires clear objectives, technical acumen, and smart digital procedures. EBRAND Corporate Domain Management covers everything from asset optimization to threat intelligence, handling your digital assets with dilligence and expertise.

DNS attacks increase in cost, complexity and frequency

How secure are your domains?

$ 0

The average DNS attack costs almost a million, including downtime, legal costs, and technical remediation.

0 %

Human error causes 82% of data breaches, highlighting the huge potential for technical security.

0 Hours

It takes over six hours to mitigate a DNS attack, an increase on previous years, and time is of the essence.

Reinforcing your domain portfolio

When businesses identify their digital priorities, the right solution helps them succeed. Effective Corporate Domain Management delivers objectives like website consolidation, cybersecurity enhancement, and online growth.

Each company prioritizes its own legal, proprietary, and commercial objectives. To achieve these objectives, teams must collaborate and align their assets, including their domain registration and domain portfolio. EBRAND supports strategic, effective domain management policies, helping teams evaluate and curate their portfolios with tools such as registry, blocking, and TMCH.

Domain portfolios evolve organically between teams, departments, and M&As. This evolution decentralizes asset control, leaving gaps in domain coverage which malicious actors exploit. With Corporate Domain Management, businesses consolidate their global portfolios, making the most of their assets and shutting the door on cybercrime.
Companies must register domains to maintain control of their digital assets. Losing control results in expensive outages, deleted or modified records, and digital security risks. Domain management solutions secure authorization, and notify teams about any attempted changes, clamping down on threats and supporting your team.
M&As support growth, savings, and competitive advantages, when companies capitalize on economies of scale. However, overlapping assets like domains present undue costs and risks, so newly-formed teams must collaborate to optimize their portfolios. Corporate Domain Management helps you streamline your assets and make the most of M&As.

Inaccurate WHOIS data puts businesses at risk, necessitating streamlined verification processes. WHOIS discrepancies interrupt workflows, obstructing updates and transfers. They even lead to domain registration cancellation under the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). Corporate Domain Management solves this issue, automating WHOIS updates to protect teams and secure their assets.

Prioritizing security helps companies protect their assets, their colleagues, and their clients, particularly on ecommerce platforms. Webpages with expired or absent SSL certificates jeopardize a visitor’s financial details, triggering an alarming security popup every time they land on your page. When companies deploy robust domain management solutions, the automatically encrypt their page security, reassuring web traffic and fortifying their ecommerce.
Using multiple DNS providers increases administrative workloads, undermines availability, and invites security threats. DNS hijackers exploit disorganization, hacking DNS records to trick visitors and spread malware.

EBRAND tools like Anycast DNS and secure registry locks equip businesses to combat hijackers and consolidate their domains.
Complex, decentralized domain assets make companies prone to hacks and outages, and slow to react when they arise. These issues snowball over time, so organize companies act proactively to get their assets inline. Centralizing registrars and DNS creates secure, smooth business function.
Hackers target businesses by impersonating DNS name servers and poisoning their DNS caches. When these attacks succeed, the DNS resolver redirects legitimate traffic to new, often malicious, websites. Spoofing and poisoning undermines brands and threatens customerbases, so well-equipped teams deploy DNSSEC to protect their domains.
Businesses juggle plenty of digital assets, and while domains remain important, registrations and renewals occasionally slip through the net. Dropped and expired domains obstruct consumer usage and company strategy, especially as buy-backs cost far more than original purchases or renewals. Management solutions automate domain renewals, while also identifying new opportunities to empower teams and secure their IPs.

Crucially, experts estimate that over 6 million domains fail to resolve, due to registry failure, technical glitches, or deliberate takedowns. Ensuring your domains function correctly with EBRAND boosts your traffic, and your brand presence online.
Global consistency affirms the necessary professionalism to succeed online. When brands secure comprehensive domain portfolios, enforce stylized continuity throughout, they capitalize on their digital assets. Corporate Domain Management delivers the tools to achieve these goals, delivering well-structured domain portfolios and effective assets.
Reseller networks help businesses thrive, enjoying a home-field advantage in markets around the world. However, inconsistencies and deviation incur fines and damage reputation. To keep track of domain registries, and ensure resellers do right by you, your clients, and the relevant regional authorities, EBRAND forms a partnership of its own.

Optimize your network with EBRAND and

How it works

EBRAND’s Corporate Domain Management platform delivers the tools to strengthen and expand your online presence. Businesses improve their existing domain assets, systems, prospects and security with four distinct yet complementary services:

Scammers, impersonators, and opportunists register domains around your brand to trick your traffic. By blocking these registrations, your business maintains a strong online presence and lucrative ecommerce streams.

What we can do for you

Unlock an arsenal of strategic domain tools to thwart cybersquatters before they register, including DPML, AdultBlock, GlobalBlock, and TMCH. Our experts help you decide most relevant and effective solutions to suit your brand.

Your solution: Domain blocking with EBRAND

Juggling domain assets creates flawed strategies, putting vital digital infrastructure at risk. Businesses must deploy effective asset management strategies to succeed online.

What we can do for you

As an ICANN-accredited registrar, EBRAND helps you research, consolidate, renew, and register domains. Expert domain guidance across any region or domain extension supports strategic, straightforward management.

Your solution: Domain management with EBRAND

Data harvesting

Discover domain name availability and existing rights across more than 1,800 extensions.

Registration and renewal

Securely register and sustain domain names throughout your key extension, including local and international TLDs.

Portfolio consolidation

Rest assured with a reconstituted, centralized, and well-managed domain portfolio.

Asset recovery

Recover domain names from hijackers, while learning how to defend yourself and your assets going forward.

Hosting and administration

Host and configure your domain names on resilient DNS servers with the strictest security standards, enhanced by professional options and 24/7 service.

Domain consultation

Receive advice on the new extensions (new gTLDs), introduce new products or brands, audit your domains, optimize costs, and verify your digital compliance.


Ease your workload with the tools to manage, sort, and prioritize your domain portfolio.

Safety and technical proficiency

Prevent digital risks by accessing and optimizing back-end variables, including redirections, crosschecks, server changes, and zone files.

Easy multi-functionality

Unlock a handy, one-stop domain shop, where we’ll register and manage your domain names in any extension, country, and language.


Curb costs, fees, and reputational damage with proactive management strategies to mitigate lost assets and cybersquatting attacks.

Expert guidance

Enjoy expert advice from a professional advisor with a minimum of 10 years of experience in domain names and brand protection. They deliver a “made-to-measure” confidential solution to all your domain management needs.

Cybersquatters lurk around your websites and your IP, snatching related domains to trick your clients, or sell websites back to you at ten times the price.

How to combat website infringements

Domain management helps businesses fight cybersquatters, understand risks, and explore new opportunities. EBRAND also provides customisable platforms like ARGOS and X-RAY, monitoring websites for brand threats and digital risks respectively.

Your solution: EBRAND domain management

Monitoring over 1000 Internet extensions broadens your knowledge base, and you can tailor your search to match your industry. Domain research includes generic extensions (.com .info .biz), national (.fr .cn), regional (.eu .paris .London), and sector-specific TLDs (.sport .shop .music).

Keeping tabs on new domains highlights any registrations that impersonate your business, brands, trademarks, or property.

Detecting online infringements tackles cybersquatting and typosquatting. Consult our risk indicators to unmask malicious actors behind these scams.

Understanding your search results helps activate your team, especially as EBRAND analyses and prioritizes insights according to your business goals.

Computing WHOIS records and website history delivers the insights to evaluate risks and inform your team.

Collaboration and expertise
Expert consultancy helps teams tackling emergent infringements, optimizing budgets, and strengthening future strategies.

Legal action
EBRAND’s takedown tools, data analysts, and IP lawyers eliminate domain threats before they harm your brand.

Recovering disputed domain names wrests your assets back from third-party actors, centralizing your portfolio and operationalizing your assets.

Tailoring your updates to daily, weekly, or monthly cadences keeps your team in touch with any emerging domain issues. Users automate alerts about blacklisted or whitelisted strings, streamlining their domain management.

Easier workflows
We design domain strategies to make your life easier, streamlining your asset protection and delivering intuitive tools to get the job done. Proactive insights, smart tools, and expert support staff remove the hassle from domain monitoring.

Recovering valuable IP
Monitoring global domains helps you find the perfect time to make a move for your domains, following lapses and third-party purchases. Whether you’re buying back at preferable prices or taking them down with legal action, strategic monitoring helps you do it right.

Strategic asset creation
Websites and domains form important infrastructure for product launches and regional expansion. Understanding the domain market helps you make the right decision to support your growth.

Improved CX and ecommerce fluency
Better domain strategy means better websites, better email structure, and more purposeful ecommerce platforms. This vital infrastructure breathes life into modern businesses, so domain strategy underpins their fate.
Is your domain strategy good enough to meet your needs?
Expired certificates and domain mismanagement leaves websites, and their visitors, vulnerable to attacks. These security lapses deter clients and undermine your team’s control.

How to secure your domains

Collaborating with professional domain managers, business stay on top of each and every security certification, ensuring robust regulatory compliance, and reliable technical excellence.

Your solution: EBRAND domain security

SSL certification
SSL certificates secure online payments and user data across your webpages. The SSL data file encrypts details and activates the HTTPS protocol, displaying a padlock in the browser address bar to reassure visitors.
EBRAND ensures your SSL certificates stay comprehensive, active, and in-date, smoothing customer journeys and securing your site. Partnering with GlobalSign, the leading validation authority, EBRAND delivers safe, reliable certification.

Valid Domain certification
If your business runs blogs, social networks, and personal websites, you’ll also benefit from Valid Domain Certification. This fast, low-cost, automated certificate secures your site in mere minutes. Activating Valid Domain Certification protects traffic, triggering the padlock browser icon and guaranteeing visitors that you care about their safety.

Organization Authentication certification
Organization Authentication Certificates increase security and veracity for corporate websites and company platforms. EBRAND assists organizations through the thorough verification process with the certification authority, making it easier to display your authenticity online.
OACs build stronger encryption, protecting website data from interception and theft. They integrate with HTTPS protocols to enact the browser padlock icon, unlocking new branding opportunities.
These certificates let businesses integrate their brand names into the site’s stamp, enhancing visitor confidence and manifesting on-screen legitimacy.

Extended Validation certification
For the highest level of domain security, ecommerce and banking platforms opt for Extended Validation Certificates. Once businesses pass the rigorous validation process, they equip their websites with unparalleled encryption, HTTPS protocols, the padlock icon, a green address bar, and the company name.
Substantial, visible security demonstrations deter hackers and encourage visitors. EVCs therefore deliver robust infrastructure, confident users, and fluent digital transactions.

Wildcard certification
Wildcard Certification lets businesses secure multiple pages at once, verifying a main domain and then extending the certificate to its sub-domains via wildcard.
Businesses with multiple products and well-resourced websites benefit from versatile, efficient domain certification, and EBRAND assists at every step of the way.

Reinforced security networks
Secure domains deliver digital security with the help of experienced technical partnerships. EBRAND partners with GlobalSign to authenticate your certificates, leveraging over 15 years of market experience and 2.5 million SSL certificates worldwide. Hard-earned expertise, and dedication to uncompromising security, helps businesses and their clients rest assured online.

Boosted rankings and effective digital assets
Security certificates bring a lot to the table, beyond even keeping your data safe. Search engines now use SSL certification in their ranking algorithms, boosting your visibility, increasing your traffic, and sharpening your competitive edge over your peers.

Simple, effective security management
When you centralize your certificates with one provider, your day-to-day security management couldn’t be easier. EBRAND’s security platform provides one single interface for any changes, fixes, or upgrades your business might need. Consolidating your tools, updates, and domain invoice in one place creates simple, effective domain security.

Strict laws govern digital security, and authorities fine unprepared businesses after hacks and breaches. Doing right by your customers with systematic domain security protects your reputation, and saves your team from compliance penalties.
Are your website visitors at risk?
Traditional unicast DNS limits businesses based on their location, as longer distances and high-query loads create slowness, availability outages, and security flaws.

How we help

For your website and your email performance, reliable DNS management proves mission-critical. EBRAND provides an Anycast DNS service, harnessing global servers to optimize your resolution.

Your solution: Anycast with EBRAND

Anycast DNS servers
Anycast DNS networks improve website performance, routing traffic to the closest server to increase availability and reliability.

Secure DDoS protection
As DDoS attacks rely on processing overloads, Anycast boosts defences and keeps your assets online.

One-click DNSSEC
Easy DNSSEC setup protects your team and your clients from DNS spoofing.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Securing your DNS config access helps fortify your website and prevent hijacks.

Role-based DNS management
The platform lets users define accessibility in line with their team’s goals.

Secure management controls
The Anycast configuration requires either two or three colleagues to change, increasing security with the 4/6 eyes principles.

DNS CAA record protection
Controlling Certificate Authority Authorisation (CAA) regulates SSL certificates on your pages.

ISO 27001 certification
EBRAND earned ISO 27001 certification, highlighting the solution’s safety, security, and effectiveness.

99.9% availability

Maintain website accessibility and protect your revenue streams with a robust DNS system.

High speed, high performance

Speed and performance matter. Faster service means stronger assets and valuable ecommerce, improving UX and benefitting your business.

Safety and security

With one-click DNSSEC, two-factor authentication, and disarmed DDoS attacks, DNS services defeat hackers and protect your data.

Are your domain name servers organized enough to prevent an overload?
As the Web3 space evolves, the landscape poses too many threats and opportunities to ignore. Cybersquatters and scammers stand between you and a flourishing decentralized ecommerce channel, so businesses establish their presence to capitalize on Web3.

What we can do for you

EBRAND’s domain registration experience and bleeding-edge solutions help you explore your Web3 registration options, so you can decide the best ways to register, consolidate, and secure your blockchain portfolio.

Your solution: Web3 domains with EBRAND

Build your strategy with made-to-measure support

At EBRAND, we hate hotlines. The best domain strategies draw strength from dedicated consultancy, tailoring solutions with close support and expert guidance. As an EBRAND user, you’ll collaborate with strategists to capitalize on your assets, and when you succeed, we succeed.

Collaborate with a personal expert from EBRAND to achieve your strategic domain goals. Depending on your business, and your priorities, we’ll partner you with a professional across matching areas of IT, trademark law, or marketing to assist your long-term objectives. This dynamic supports efficient and effective teamwork.

When it comes to your website, there’s no time to lose. Address domain queries directly over the phone, without queues or hotlines, for spontaneous, evolving support. Alternatively, you can reach out via email, avoiding ticket systems, and guarantee a processed request in less than 24 hours.

Responsive support helps solve emergencies, but proactive support avoids crises altogether. Using EBRAND research tools and machine-learning algorithms, your support expert identifies risks and opportunities to alert your team. Insights in and around your portfolio, as well as impending changes from ICANN, inform effective strategies and robust management.

Market-specific challenges require market-specific support. Fortunately, EBRAND provides specialized support from regional experts across Europe and beyond, tailoring your solution by language, location, culture, and industry to meet your needs.

Domain Management FAQs

A DNS, or Domain Name Service, processes domain names and IP addresses. The service translates website names (like into a numerical IP address (like This translation process means that computers and other digital systems can understand websites, and communicate with them. Essentially a DNS runs a large database that matches domain names with IP addresses, helping them interact with other systems and access the internet.
Without a DNS, your domain won’t be accessible, and your websites won’t load.

DNS solutions deliver plenty of other benefits for digital businesses, including:

  • Improving your performance and reducing your load time
  • Protecting your website by making sure the domain maps to the correct IP address
  • Improving your availability and reliability, especially when Anycast DNS servers optimize your assets
  • Improving security by limiting unauthorized access, reducing the risks of spoofing, and adding protection against DDoS and phishing attacks
Happy customers help businesses succeed, but it’s hard to buy things online if the pages won’t open. DNS solutions reinforce performance and bolster security, supporting reliable ecommerce.

Solving fundamental issues like website resolution helps you focus on what really matters: running your business.
Anycast DNS improves the way websites structure their servers and respond to queries. As opposed to traditional Unicast systems that anchor DNS records to specific servers, Anycast links multiple servers to create a global DNS network. This network directs queries to the best possible server, in terms of proximity and speed, to maximize performance in improve user experience. Anycast’s improved performance also protects websites from DDoS attacks, creating safe, stable domains.

DNSSEC helps businesses secure their DNS, finding off cyberattacks and locking down digital assets. The acronym stands for Domain Name System Security Extensions, and these extensions work to verify DNS responses and ensure they haven’t been tampered with. Authenticating DNS origins, and ensuring results are correct, stops attacks like DNS hijacks and cache poisoning.

As vital infrastructure like email, website, videoconferencing, file sharing, and cloud-based services rely on DNS, DNSSEC forms an important pillar of a company’s security precautions. EBRAND supports secure DNS with DNSEC tools like digital signatures and secure keys.

Discover vulnerabilities in your DNSSEC with the help of EBRAND’s experts.

Key technical terms for finance professionals using EBRAND solutions:

  • DPML stands for Domain Protected Marks List

    This service lets businesses enforce their trademarks by preventing third-parties from registering domains in their name. If you have a trademark in any given product, DPML allows you to block domain registrations matching that product for either five or ten years. DPML blocks thereby stop scammers and hijackers from misleading consumers, redirecting traffic, and exploiting your brands.
  • SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer

    SSL protocols encrypt communications between website servers and the browsers where they’re listed. This encryption delivers the necessary security for high-stakes industries and objectives like financial services and ecommerce.
  • WHOIS shortens the question ‘Who is?’ for technical purposes online

    WHOIS typically refers to the public database that stores records about domain names, websites, and their owners. These records often include information about the company or entity’s contact details, including a name, location, and email address. WHOIS data provides accessibility and accountability for domain ownership.
  • DNS stands for Domain Name System

    Domain Name Systems translate IP into their corresponding domain names, and vice versa. As computers and digital networks use IP addresses to manage domain assets, people recognize domain names better than strings of IP numbers, hence the need for translation and integration. Ultimately, DNS helps people find the website they need online, including banking services. Hackers exploit this system, so finance firms reinforce their DNS to keep their clients safe.
  • TMCH stands for Trademark Clearinghouse

    Authorities created the Trademark Clearinghouse database to document existing domain names, and manage the evolution of new domains securely. Regulating domains helps firms enforce their property and deliver for their clients, a particularly valuable objective in the finance industry. EBRAND helps finance firms make the most of the TMCH, taking action against infringements, and acquiring valuable digital assets to help online presences grow.

DDoS attackers overload DNS servers to takedown digital services and exploit their outages. To carry out a DDoS attack, hackers command an array of computers, bots, and other devices into a botnet army, sending a flood of traffic to your server. Server collapse disables important security features, along with denying service to resources like email and websites, hence the name DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service).

Businesses protect themselves from DDoS attacks by increasing their server capacity, and tools like EBRAND’s Anycast help prevent overloading and boost performance.

When it comes to ROI and digital services, proactive investments create for more cost-effective work than paying to fix things after they’ve gone wrong.

Website downtime costs businesses $9,000 per minute, and DNS attacks take hours or longer to fix.

Hacks, domain attacks, and website recovery adds up to hundreds of thousands of Euros.

By contrast, well-managed domains help businesses return on their investment by supporting their growth, securing their assets, and maintaining their regulatory compliance.

Set your KPIs, and figure out how to achieve your CDM ROI, with an EBRAND account manager’s personalized success plan.

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