Online Brand Protection
Reinforcing your digital presence

When counterfeiters treat your brand like an easy target for scams, fraud, and abuse, prove them wrong with a data-led brand protection solution.

Improving your brand presence requires a data-led strategy and the tools to execute it.

Each platform raises a new threat, but well-protected brands thrive in adversity. With Online Brand Protection, businesses unlock the industry data, reputation monitoring, and effective takedown procedures they need to succeed.

The global trade in counterfeits and pirated goods exceeds $464 billion.

How do your products fare on the black market?

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The EU detained 86 million counterfeit products during 2021, an increase of over 30% from the previous year.

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Counterfeit goods injure 350,000 people every year and cause numerous casualties.

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Studies show that market analysis increases operating margins by 60% for industries like retail.

Boosting and protecting your brand

Online exposure brings new risks and new opportunities. However, when firms equip themselves with the tools to match each challenge, they successfully boost and protect their brand.

Understanding your market, and your role within it, delivers the keys to a successful business. As businesses grow, they lose track of the details, leading to inconsistencies, disorganization, and lost opportunities. EBRAND’s Online Brand Protection services gather industry insights for you websites, networks, and brands. Fuelling your strategies with traffic data promotes organized, informed, and optimized work.

Discover the next industry trend.

Counterfeiters exploit your products, your brand, and your customers, stealing revenue and diluting your IP. Businesses stop these criminals in their tracks with Online Brand Protection by identifying, monitoring, and taking down counterfeit platforms.

Counterfeiting scams span across different markets, continents, and channels, so a cross-platform solution streamlines brand protection and empowers legitimate businesses.

Find out more about EBRAND customers thriving with ARGOS Online Brand Protection.

Businesses work hard to develop, distribute, and maintain their IP assets, making it all the more frustrating when scammers rip them off. Tackling these violations with Online Brand Protection across Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Designs helps you deliver justice to criminals, enforce your IP, and consolidate your market presence.

Crack down on IP thieves.

When opportunists trade your goods outside their designated areas, they contravene regulations, undermine sales, and sow chaos in your price points. Curbing these grey markets with Online Brand Protection helps businesses take control of distribution, and comply with international laws. EBRAND’s solution provides the tools to effectively identify, flag, and remove grey market platforms as soon as they appear.

Learn more about the tools in action.

Without active market research, businesses lack the data to capitalize on emerging trends and break into new markets. Collaborating with your EBRAND account manager supports successful product launches, opportunities in new industries and regions, and exponential growth.

Hear for yourself how EBRAND’s ARGOS supports a successful retailer with timely market trend data.

Counterfeits, grey markets, and reputational damage shrinks a company’s market share, giving rivals an edge in competitive industries. By contrast, companies who combat counterfeits replace their lost custom with new revenue, expanding their market presence.

Online Brand Protection services therefore increase revenues while minimizing risk, delivering a direct ROI for well-equipped businesses.

Revamp your revenue.

Global brands thrive on international networks of partners, distributors, and resellers. However, when resellers go rogue and counterfeiters crop up, revenues suffer. Online Brand Protection delivers the tools to streamline partner verification, monitor and act on deviation, and ensure your ecommerce stays in the right hands.

Want to take control of your distribution? Discover effective authorization.

Fake domains stand in the way of your organic customer traffic, and some scammers even profit from PPC campaigns in your name. Businesses reinforce their search rankings by discovering cybersquatters, tackling traffic scams, and consolidating their domain portfolios. Online Brand Protection platforms therefore support productive inbound marketing, strong brand identity, and smooth digital sales.

Is someone cybersquatting on your IP as we speak?

NFTs present another emerging marketplace with a fresh host of threats and opportunities. Scammers steal assets like images, product names, and logos to trick would-be clients, so companies must crack down to protect their brands. Fortunately, Online Brand Protection offers a suite of tools to explore NFT spaces and tackle the threat.

Do you need to worry about NFTs?

How it works

Discover all the tools you need to protect your brand with EBRAND’s ARGOS platform. ARGOS prioritizes power and support, letting your team detect, analyze, and enforce brand issues with ease. As you harvest insights and tackle threats, the platform delivers rich reports to inform your future strategies.

ARGOS delivers custom searches to scour the web for threats and infringements. Our support professionals work closely with your team, tailoring detection settings to match your business needs. The system conducts a full sweep through websites, marketplaces, social media platforms, and dark web forums to detect anything on or around your brand. You’ll discover any brand risks, threats, or opportunities at the click of a button.

Machine learning algorithms streamline your insights, prioritizing brand infringements and updating your team. Teams of EBRAND data analysts specialize in turning you information into actionable takeaways, and with the help of smart searches, their support empowers your business. You’ll therefore anticipate brand risks and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

When you flag brand risks with ARGOS, an international team of IP lawyers gets straight to work. EBRAND acts swiftly, issuing cease and desists or digital takedowns to protect your brand.

The ARGOS platform supports regular monitoring, analysis, and strategy through data-rich reports. These reports deliver statistical and graphical insights segmented by region, channel, and status to inform your team.

Ask, and we'll deliver

Tools themselves don't generate value; they equip us to get the job done. With that in mind, EBRAND strives to deliver excellent support solutions, as well as cutting-edge software. By customizing each offering, and delivering all the support you need to integrate the solution into your workflow, we collaborate to succeed.

Working with a dedicated expert helps you make the most of your Online Brand Protection solution. EBRAND pairs each ARGOS user with an advisor tailored to their field, unlocking the platform’s most effective capabilities.

Brands must act fast to protect themselves online, as unchecked issues escalate over time. EBRAND provides real-time updates and rapid managed services through multiple channels, be they technical, legal, or industry-specific insights. Our experts guarantee to process your request in under 24 hours, ensuring your brand stays boosted and protected at all times.

For anyone without a legal or technical background, counterfeiter takedowns may seem a daunting process. EBRAND account managers empower clients at every step of the way, including consultancy, monitoring, flagging, and infringement eliminations.

Businesses succeed by integrating their objectives with the tools at their disposal. When expertise fuels your brand protection strategy, you’ll discover new paths towards boosting and protecting your brand. EBRAND managed services help you create a custom strategy, outlining your KPIs and the means to achieve them.

Each company, market, and region requires a unique approach to Online Brand Protection. With over 200 experts and 15 languages on hand, you’ll have it covered with EBRAND managed services.

Platforms to protect yourself with ARGOS

ARGOS provides up-to-date insights across all the platforms that matter to your brand. Using smart APIs and well-established industry connections, you’ll learn where, when, and how people handle your IP online.


Social Channels

In ARGOS’s social media tab, you’ll search for your brand across traditional and emerging platforms. Crucially, the platform facilitates searches across global and regional social media platforms, from the US and the EU to Russia and China.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Whatsapp
  • Reddit
  • Flickr
  • Vimeo
  • TikTok
  • Twitch
  • Weibo
  • Quora
  • Baidoo
  • WeChat
  • Telegram
  • More!


Searching a wide range of ecommerce marketplaces keeps brands in touch with their digital perception. ARGOS delivers the keys to all commercially relevant digital platforms, from the mainstream to the niche.

  • Ebay
  • Mercadolibre
  • Alibaba
  • Aliexpress
  • Etsy
  • Amazon
  • Carousell
  • Rakuten
  • Gumtree
  • Baidu B2B
  • Mfrbee
  • Gome
  • Allproducts
  • Industrybuying
  • 18show
  • More!
App Stores

App Stores

Scammers exploit brands and mobile users by launching unlicensed apps without the IP owner’s buy-in. Searching popular platforms like the Google Playstore and the Apple Appstore helps brand intercept threats.



ARGOS opens a window into websites infringing on your brand, from their content, to their marketing assets, to the website name itself.



Understanding which webstores impersonate your brand and claim to sell your products helps ARGOS catch counterfeiters, fraudsters, and IP thieves, while safeguarding your revenue.


NFT Spaces

Compiling comprehensive results from NFT marketplaces like OpenSea ensures brands stay protected, keeping consumers safe from NFT scams and enhancing brand value in Web3.

ARGOS technology

Capitalize on a multifunctional brand protection hub with the ARGOS platform. Our support team empower you to manage end-to-end online brand protection programs using the groundbreaking EBRAND approach: the solution mirrors consumer behavior, identifying and resolving threats to your brand with AI, digital monitoring, and smart custom filters.

With ARGOS, you’ll find the following at your fingertips:

  • AI-powered search algorithms, ensuring precise detection of relevant results
  • Filtered infringements with automated threat scoring
  • Continuous collection of profiles and statistics from flagged infringement suspects
  • Multi-language portal (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Russian)
  • Intuitive interface with accessible and powerful functionality (tags, comments, search)
  • Compiling infringing product titles and descriptions– Identify keywords in all content, also within hidden meta tags/data on a product listing
  • Multi-currency sales prices – Find and translate goods prices in 171 currencies
  • Real-time filters – Deliver the most valuable perspectives on product listings across marketplaces
  • Whitelisting / Blacklisting – Validate your allies and flag criminals with ease
  • Comprehensive detection – Create a rich, dynamic data pool from a wide array of digital sources
  • Customized end-to-end workflow – build, manage, and log your ARGOS activity
  • Enforces infringements – Report criminals to EBRAND lawyers and digital authorities with a single click
  • Reporting – Build thorough, optimized reports
  • Dashboard – Track your brand protection at a glance with comprehensive dashboard widgets
  • Data storage – Compile infringement data for future strategies

Online Brand Protection FAQs

Businesses thrive on strong reputations, trustworthy products, and smooth-flowing revenue. Online Brand Protection supports those goals, making it vital for sustainable businesses:

  • Social insights keep you ahead of reputational damage
  • Marketplace awareness tackles counterfeiters and boosts your listings
  • Rich reporting helps you track your growing brand over time

In short, proactive protection pays off.

It’s impossible to keep a business safe if you aren’t even aware of the threats against your brand. Ongoing threats, including counterfeiting, trademark infringement, and fraud all undermine brands. When businesses fail to act on these threats, or even identify them in the first place, they spiral out of control. Seeking these threats at the source, and deploying the necessary solutions, keeps businesses safe. In this case, the necessary solution is Online Brand Protection.

Tackling scammers and online criminals delivers two-fold benefits, as it cuts them out of the marketplace, and creates more space for your brand to grow. Businesses use the same tools to identify brand risks as they use to identify opportunities, to data-rich tools like Online Brand Protection platforms support protection and expansion.

EBRAND’s ARGOS platform helps businesses protect themselves online. Delivering a suite of Online Brand Protection research tools and action channels, supported by teams of lawyers and analysts, ARGOS provides an intuitive, effective Online Brand Protection solution.

Get in touch

Our experts are ready to provide you with a customized solution. Fill out the contact sheet to connect with us.

¿Quieres saber quién se está aprovechando de tu marca en Internet?

Los ciberdelincuentes están lanzando constantemente falsificaciones y tus clientes están haciendo clic en ellas. Podemos mostrarte estas falsificaciones y anuncios de productos falsos con solo hacer un clic.

¿Quieres verlo? Obtén tu auditoría gratuita ahora.

This image of a magnifying glass hovering over cash and goods highlights this post's topic: a fake shop finder.

Want to see the who's ripping you off online?

Right now, cybercriminals are launching their fakes, and your customers are clicking them. We can show you these spoofs and fake listings at the click of a button. Want to see them? Get your free audit now.

This image of a magnifying glass hovering over cash and goods highlights this post's topic: a fake shop finder.

Wie viel Geld verlieren Sie online?

Viele Unternehmen wissen nicht, wie viele Fälschungen und gefälschte Shops online lauern, während Cyberkriminelle unbemerkt ihr Geschäft schädigen und ihre Marke verunglimpfen. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt zum Schutz Ihres Unternehmens und fordern Sie hier ein kostenloses Marken-Audit an.

This image of a magnifying glass hovering over cash and goods highlights this post's topic: a fake shop finder.

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